Special Session on Intelligent Virtual Environments
Session Chair:
Oscar Ardaiz, Public University of Navarra, Spain, oscar(dot)ardaiz(at)unavarra.es
Collaboration and learning are two challenging applications for intelligent virtual environments. This session aims at gathering researchers doing applied research for collaboration and learning based in intelligent virtual environments.
Collaboration and learning requires researchers to perform experiments with end users to validate the usefulness of their applications. In this session researchers will present their current work in applying intelligent virtual environments for collaboration and learning. Collaboration support in different environments will be addressed: business, administration, health sector, etc. Learning in different environments and with various learning models will be the focus of the session: school learning, distant learning, peer learning, informal learning, etc.
Paper submissions are encouraged for (but not limited to) the following topics:
Contact Person:
Oscar Ardaiz, Public University of Navarra, oscar(dot)ardaiz(at)unavarra.es
Important Dates:
Deadline for Manuscript Submission: April 3rd, 2009
Acceptance Decisions: April 24th, 2009
Final Accepted Manuscript: May 10th, 2009
You can submit papers via the conference management system. When submitting, check the box next to this session. You can submit the same paper to one session only.