Advanced Intelligent Environments
Minker, W.; Weber, M.; Hagras, H.; Callagan, V.; Kameas, A.D. (Eds.)
2009, Approx. 275 p. 60 illus., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-387-76484-9
Due: June 2009
Advanced Intelligent Environments describes the latest research results in scientific disciplines that relate to the development of intelligent environments, as well as their application to various aspects and domains of everyday life. The book broadcasts the vision of intelligent environments that support human activity; its chapters provide a comprehensive view of state-of the-art research in related key disciplines, such as ubiquitous computing, networking, artificial intelligence, and architecture.
The material covers many key topics in the field of intelligent environments including system design and development, prototype deployment and evaluation, architectural design and studies on human factors, and also includes scenarios, visions and roadmaps. The book chapters, which are extended versions of the best papers presented at the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE07) held at Ulm University (Germany), provide a synthetic perspective on research and developments in these areas.
Advanced Intelligent Environments is a useful reference for researchers, academics and engineers in information sciences, architecture, and other disciplines related to the intelligent environments field.
Table of contents
Introduction.- Assistive Environments for Successful Aging.- Do Digital Homes Dream of Electric Families?.- An Architecture that Supports Task Centered Adaptation.- Multimodal Presentation of Information in a Mobile Context.- Classifier Fusion for Emotion Recognition from Speech.- Understanding Mobile Spatial Interaction in Urban Environments.- Genetic Algorithm for Energy Efficient Trees.- Enhancing Anomaly Detection using Temporal Pattern Discovery.- Fault-Resilient Pervasive Service Composition.- Intravein - Parametric Urbanism.- The Totality of Space.