Doctoral Colloquium
Doctoral Colloquium Chairs:
George Roussos, University of London, UK, g.roussos(at)
Kostas Stathis, University of London, UK, kostas.stathis(at)
The IE09 Doctoral Colloquium is a forum for PhD students working in the broad areas addressed by the Intelligent Environments Conference. The workshop aims to facilitate interactions among PhD students and to stimulate discussions with more experienced researchers who can provide valuable feedback. To this end, we invite PhD students to present, discuss and defend preliminary results of their research in an international and interdisciplinary audience of researchers and developers at IE09. We particularly encourage students that are beyond the early phase their PhD studies but who are not close to completing their thesis. They should be more or less clear about the problem they want to target and have first ideas on how to solve it.
Papers should describe a problem, explain why it is important, detail what the existing solutions are and why they are not sufficient, and give some indication of new solutions the student is pursuing. There should be enough substance to provide discussion, but the work does not need to be complete.
Participants will be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work during the colloquium, to be followed by a discussion.
The doctoral colloquium submission should (obviously) be single-author, though the name of the supervisor can also be mentioned.
Contact Persons:
George Roussos, g.roussos(at)
Kostas Stathis, kostas.stathis(at)
Important Dates:
Deadline for Manuscript Submission: April 3rd, 2009
Acceptance Decisions: April 24th, 2009
Final Accepted Manuscript: May 10th, 2009