Online Registration
Registration Costs
- Presenter Rates:
- Student / Non student: 300 euro (early) 400 euro (standard).
Note: each registration entitles the presentation of two papers for which the presenter is a joint author.
- Extra paper for joint author (third etc): 200 euro each
- Non Presenter Rates
- Non-Student: 300 euro (early) 400 euro (standard)
- Student Rate: 200 euro (early) 250 euro (late)
Note: if student is presenting, then the Presenter rate applies
- PC member: free
Note: if PC member is presenting, then the Presenter rate applies
- Workshop rates
- Full day workshop (all non Student) 150 euro
- Full day workshop (Student) 120 euro
- Joint conference and workshop (non Student) 400 euro (early) 500 euro (standard)
- Joint conference and workshop (Student) 300 euro (early) 350 euro (standard)
- AAAI Members Rates
- 270 euro (early) 360 euro (standard)
- Joint conference and workshop 370 euro (early) 460 euro (standard)
- Guest Tickets
- Extra lunch ticket: 15 euro
- Extra dinner ticket: 40 euro
(a) Deadlines: Early = before or on 23th June; Standard = after 23th June
(b) Special Session Organisers: special session will receive a free registration for one of its organizers, who will have to chair it during the conference.
(c) Rate for Attending Both the Conference and Workshop: See (3) above.
(d) Extra copy of Proceedings: 45 Euro