Submit a paper
To submit a paper you must click here to use the IE09 paper submission system.
You will need an EasyChair account in order to access the submission site. If you do not have an EasyChair account, click here to obtain one.
All papers must be submitted in .pdf format. All papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Papers submitted to special sessions should not exceed 8 pages. Papers submitted to posters or doctoral colloquium sessions should not exceed 4 pages. All submissions must strictly follow the publisher’s template. Instructions for submitting a paper to a workshop will be announced at a later date.
Proceedings will be published by IOS Press.
This year, IOS Press will sponsor Best Paper Award, which will be announced during the IE09 conference, highlighting the paper which reviewers considered to have the highest quality. An extended version of the paper will be invited for publication in the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE). In addition, the author(s) of the paper will be presented with a certificate and a one year free subscription to JAISE.
In addition, JAISE will publish a Thematic Issue on selected conference topics; a selection of papers will be invited to submit extended versions to JAISE.
You can download the instructions for authors / publisher’s templates here in MSWord or LaTex format.