Special Session on Network Intelligence

Special Session on Network Intelligence

Session Chair:

Antonio Barba, UPC, Spain, telabm(at)entel.upc.edu

To provide a general vision in the fundamentals about intelligent ambient networks. In case of access, mobility, services an network behavior. To obtain ideas for an optimized, ubiquitous, and proactive ambient network management.

In this session, people finds a framework related with artifitial Intelligent tools applied to ambient networks, ubiquitous networks, mobility and access management. Use of architecture modeling, simulations to obtain a smart behaviour of the networks and services to provide quality of service ina a friendly user interface. To solve network problems in a easy way for the user. To define an ambient network architecture with the required functionality to support inyelligent services and applications to be described.

Possible application areas include but are not restricted to:

  • Mobility procedures
  • Always best connected techniques
  • Smart behaviour of nodes and services
  • Network optimization
  • Intelligent ambient composition
  • Ubiquitous management
  • Policy management
  • AmI and Neural Networks
  • AmI and genetic algorithms
  • AmI and quality of service

This session is related to design and modeling of intelligent network architectures by simulation or implementation. Mobility and access procedures based on intelligent applications and technologies. Smart behaviour of networks to improve performance.


Contact Person:

Antonio Barba, telabm(at)entel.upc.edu


Important Dates:

Deadline for Manuscript Submission: April 3rd, 2009
Acceptance Decisions: April 24th, 2009
Final Accepted Manuscript: May 10th, 2009

You can submit papers via the conference management system. When submitting, check the box next to this session. You can submit the same paper to one session only.