Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished full papers of no more than six (6) pages or short papers of up to four (4) pages in length (including any data, figures and references) in standard IEEE double-column format. Short papers are normally early or conceptual work (eg before experimental results or where there is only limited supporting evidence available) whereas full papers are normally expected to have convincing supporting experimental results or well worked theory or models. All papers submitted to IE'10 must be unpublished previously and may not be undergoing consideration for publication elsewhere during IE'10 review period.
Papers will undergo a blind review process. Authors must not include their names and affiliations in submitted papers to ensure unbiased reviews.
Authors are responsible for having their papers checked for style and grammar prior to submission to IE’10. After being accepted, you will be requested to submit a final version of the paper, incorporating any feedback from the reviewers together with a copyright agreement. The final PDF should NOT have any page numbers, footers or headers.
Papers should be submitted in PDF using in standard IEEE double-column format (either A4 or US letter). To assist you we have provided an MS-WORD template here.
The IEEE submission system is now open for final paper submission (a link is posted on the IE10 front page): http://www.ieeeconfpublishing.
Final Paper Formatting and Submission
This year, the IOS Press will again provide a prize, in the form of a free 12 months subscription to the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, for the "Best Conference Paper Award". We are also pleased to announce a new prize, a year's subscription to the Intelligent Buildings International Journal from Earthscan Press for the best paper relating to "Intelligent Buildings". Both prizes will be announced during the IE10 conference. In addition, both JAISE and Intelligent Buildings International will publish a Thematic Issue on selected conference topics of relevance to their respective readerships. The submission system will ask you to flag your interest in these issues. Discussions with the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (PMCJ) and we hope to be able to provide more details on this soon.
Special Online Presentation Session
This year, we are experimenting with the provision of an online presentation facility. This facility is for authors who would like to present a paper to IE2010 but have significant reasons that prevents them attending in person. This mechanism is somewhat experimental in nature and the performance of the system cannot be guaranteed (and, as such, authors will be required to submit a video version of their presentation, which would be used if the connections fail). Authors wishing to have their papers considered for this session should tick the relevant option when using the IE10 online paper review submission system, and then submit an application form by midnight on the 14th May 2006 (if you ticked this option when using the IE10 online submission system, you will have been sent an email and form).