IE’10 Doctoral Colloquium July 18th 2010
Colloquium Forum
To support PhD students, IE'10 will include a Doctorial Colloquium Forum held on July 18th, and short paper and poster session held as parallel tracks to the main IE’10 conference on July 21st. The aim of the forum is both social and educational - we meet together, share our experience in an open forum, listen to some experienced researchers, establish connections and have fun! More details about this colloquium will appear on this page later but, in the meantime, if you have any suggestions as to what you would like included, or have any questions about the colloquium then please email the colloquium chairs
Call for Short Papers and Posters
In addition to the above, to support PhD students who would like to formally discuss and defend preliminary results of their research, the colloquium will be running a special short paper track as part of the main IE’10 conference on July 21st. We invite you to submit a short paper (no more than 4 pages) or alternatively submit a poster for the colloquium poster session (see colloquium website for poster format). Papers and posters will be published in the IOS press workshop proceedings. Authors of the best colloquium paper will have their paper selected for publication in the IE’10 IEEE conference proceedings. The winning paper will be announced during the conference.
We particularly encourage papers from students that are at a stage where they are clear about the problem they want to target, have ideas on how to solve it or are further along. As a minimum, papers should describe a problem, explain why the problem is important, detail what the existing solutions are and why they are not sufficient, and give some indication of new solutions the student is pursuing. There should be enough substance to provide discussion, but the work does not need to be complete. Participants will also be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work during the conference colloquium track session on July 21st, to be followed by a discussion which would be intended to help optimise the research.
The doctoral colloquium submission should (obviously) be single-author, though the name of the supervisor can also be mentioned.
An addendum track is offered to encourage students who need extra time to prepare a paper.
Important Dates
IOS Track (early deadline)* |
Addendum Track (later deadline) ** |
Submission Details
Colloquium short papers should be no more than 4 pages and follow the IOS press template found here
A one page summary of the colloquium poster should be submitted. The one page summary should follow the first page of the IOS press template, but exclude the abstract. Excepted summaries will be given a display area to present and display their poster during the conference, the poster dimensions should be 120cm x 90cm (A0, any orientation).
Short papers and poster one page summaries should be submitted to the IE’10 conference submission system
Colloquium Fees
Colloquium only, July 18th, 100 MYR
Colloquium + IE Conference (attendance only), 300 MYR
Colloquium + IE Conference (presenting colloquium paper, July 21st), 550 MYR
IE’10 presenter (FREE, if it’s one of the two paper allowance)
Doctoral Colloquium Chairs
Professor Albert Yeap (
Dr Dolors Royo (
*Deadlines will not be extended
**Addendum papers are not eligible for the best paper prize