


Chung-Ang University, Korea


We cordially invite you to be part of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE17) that will take place in Seoul, Korea, on August 21-25, 2017. This is the thirteen conference in the series and provides a leading edge forum for researchers and engineers from across the world to present their latest research and to discuss future directions Intelligent Environments.

Intelligent Environments are everyday settings such as facories, businesses, homes, offices, hotels, restaurants, shops, hospitals, teaching-rooms, stage/studios, cars, trains, aircraft, boats, public spaces or even electronic clothing/fashion that are populated with advanced networked computer based systems, which enable better or new lifestyles for people.

The IE’17 conference program will include workshops, invited lectures and special sessions of full and short papers and posters. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) Ambient intelligence, Context awareness, Ubiquitous/Pervasive computing, HCI, Security, Wearables, Robotics, Artificial intelligence, Computational intelligence, Middleware, Architecture and interaction design, Smart Cities, Sustainability, Smart educational technology, Smart buildings, Internet of Things, AAL, Sensors, Virtual/Mixed reality, Wireless sensor networks, Mobile computing, Design and reliability of systems.

As a sponsor of IE'17, you will have numerous ways to promote your business to a high-profile captive audience. The conference space is constrained, thus ensuring that all conference attendees have the opportunity to get in touch with sponsors. All sponsors have their logos in the conference proceedings and on the outside back cover in final program, while links to their website are provided by the conference web page. Silver and Gold level sponsors are offered the opportunity to have an exhibition desk at the conference area. Being a sponsor of the conference will offer you an excellent opportunity to advertise your business to a highly professional audience, be part of a focused community of professionals, scholars, entrepreneurs, investors, and companies, meet with a huge pool of enthusiastic graduate students, and enjoy efficient networking opportunities and valuable media exposure.

Levels of Sponsorship

Various levels of sponsorship are listed below along with corresponding benefits. As a sponsor, you may also choose items from the appended shopping list to match your level of sponsorship.

Gold Sponsorship

Sponsorship level: £1,000. Includes:

  1. Sponsor’s logo and link on the conference website
  2. Sponsor’s name and logo included in the conference proceedings
  3. Inclusion of sponsor’s logo in conference banner and posters
  4. Sponsor’s brochure and demo CD included in attendees' bag
  5. Demonstration space or a desk in the conference foyer
  6. Sponsor’s banner placed in the conference area
  7. complimentary conference registration

Silver Sponsorship

Sponsorship level: £500. Includes:

  1. Sponsor’s logo and link on the conference website
  2. Sponsor’s name and logo included in the conference proceedings
  3. Inclusion of sponsor’s logo in conference banner and posters

Bronze Sponsorship

Sponsorship level: £100. Includes:

  1. Sponsor’s logo and link on the conference website
  2. Sponsor’s name and logo included in the conference proceedings