
Registration Information


All attendees are required to register for the event they are attending.

Each published paper requires one full registration.

If an author has more than one paper to be published it pays the full registration for one paper and 50% registrations for each of the remaining ones (to cover publication costs) (see 5 below).

Presenting authors, participating co-authors and committee members and session chairs are not exempt from paying registration fees.


Joint Tutorials and

Workshops (1)

Conference only


Full event:

Tutorials, Workshops,

and Conference (3)

Early Bird

(7th June 2017)

318,000 KRW (260 €) 610,000 KRW (500 €) 732,000 KRW (600 €)
Late registration 391,000 KRW (320 €) 683,000 KRW (560 €) 854,000 KRW (700 €)

Discounts (4):


Members and

PhD Students

10% to any of the above 10% to any of the above 10% to any of the above

(1) Includes: ALL tutorials and ALL workshops, coffee breaks, two lunches, workshops proceedings and reception.

(2) Includes: access to all conference technical sessions, conference proceedings, coffee breaks, three lunches, and gala dinner.

(3) All included.

(4) Only one discount can be applied. For a discount to be consider evidence has to be submitted: membership card or signed letter from supervisor.

(5) When an author has more than one paper accepted they pay full registration for one and half registration for the other ones. These discounts for membership are independent to the discount which can be obtained for having more than one paper accepted to be published explained at the top of the page. That is, if an attendee has two papers to present, then there must be a full registration for one paper, a 50% registration for the 2nd paper and a 10% can be applied to that amount for being member of IEEE/ACM/AAAI/BCS or for Student status.



Registration Process

You can pay the registration fee either by Bank Transfer or by Credit card (via PayPal). We strongly suggest you to use Bank Transfer

  1. Fill and sign one the following forms & send to Prof. Jason J. Jung ( by email.
    • Microsoft docx format (link) or PDF format (link).
    • Then, you can complete the registration form where you will be asked to attach the bank transfer receipt.
    • If you choose the credit card, we will send the link of the PayPal payment by email.
  2. Bank transfer: Please use the following bank account details where you should replace Name by your Family Name:
    • Routing (SWIFT Code) : NACFKRSEXXX
    • Address : 75, ChungjeongRo 1Ga, Junggu, Seoul, Rep. of Korea
    • Account : 301-0159-4011-91
    • Account Holder : Korean Institute of Smart Media (KISM)
    • KISM Address : 3F CFI Center, 60 Songamro, Namgu, Gwangju, Rep. of Korea
  3. Credit card: You will receive the paypal link by email.