IE’15 features three different paper categories:
Authors are invited to submit all types of papers in standard IEEE double-column format. IE'15 submissions must be unpublished previously and should not be undergoing consideration for publication elsewhere during the IE'15 review period. IE’15 will use a double-blind reviewing process. Author names/affiliations must not appear in the title area of a paper-in-submission, but further anonymization is at the authors' discretion.
All papers accepted in the main conference will be electronically available through IEEE Explore. The Intelligent Environments conference is currently indexed by both EI Compendex and Thomson's Web of Science (Thomson ISI) and the 2015 edition will also be submitted for indexing.
All papers accepted in the Workshops program will be published as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series of IOS Press and electronically available through ACM Digital Library. Both proceedings will be ISI indexed.
A selection of papers will be invited to submit extended versions to Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments and ICST Transactions on Future Intelligent Educational Environments.
The IEEE paper template for IE'15 authors can be downloaded from here.
Please submit your regular full or short papers for review using the IE2015 conference submission system.
The submission system will allow to submit Work in progress, position, demo, and video papers after the regular paper submission has been closed.