As a part of the latest in the highly successful series of International Conferences on Intelligent Environments, we will be hosting a Doctoral Colloquial at the 2013 conference in Athens, Greece in late July 2013. The aims of this Colloquium are both social and educational - to provide research students in the early to mid phases of their projects an opportunity to meet other people in a similar position, to make relatively informal presentations on their work, to discuss each other’s experiences, ideas and findings, to make connections and to have fun!
If you have any suggestions as to what you would like included, or have any questions about the colloquium, then please email the colloquium chairs (contact details below).
Call for Contributions – Short Papers and Posters
Key aspects of the Doctoral Colloquium are the presentations, either oral papers or as posters, where research students present, discuss and defend their work.
All accepted presentations will be submitted as “short written papers” (maximum of 4 pages) and will be published in the IEEE Proceedings for the IE’13 conference.
Most promising Doctoral research: There will be a prize to the papers submitted to the Doctoral Colloquium showing the most promising advances (supported by evidence) to the state of the art. This award will consist of an invitation to submit an extended paper to the indexed journal JAISE.
All presentations should be on research projects (PhD or similar), on topics appropriate to the Intelligent Environments theme (for further details on the range of themes, see which are either (a) in a relatively early stage, but where the investigating student has already identified the nature and key aspects of the problem(s), and has ideas regarding how to solve them, or (b) is at a stage where interesting results are being produced, but the work is not yet quite at a stage appropriate to produce a long paper. As a minimum, papers should describe a research problem, explain why that problem is important and interesting, detail what the existing solutions (if any) or relevant methods are, including why these are not sufficient or satisfactory, and give some indication of the new solutions or methodologies the student is pursuing. There should be enough substance to offer and stimulate discussion, but the work does not need to be complete. Participants will also be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work during the Doctoral Colloquium track session on July 2013 at the main conference, to be followed by a discussion which is intended to help the students optimise their research strategies.
The main author of all contributions to the Doctoral Colloquium MUST be a student registered for a PhD or similar research degree.
Key Dates
Main Conference (regular papers, short papers, DC papers, Videos-Demos papers)
Papers submission (all categories): 5 March 2013.
Paper decision notification: 15 April 2013.
Final Version to be submitted by: 10 May 2013.
For enquiries contact
Doctoral Colloquium |
Gordon Hunter |
doctoralcolloquium at |
Abdul Wahab bin Abdul Rahman Int. Islamic University, Malaysia |
doctoralcolloquium at |
Daniela Braga Microsoft R&D (USA) |
doctoralcolloquium at |