
• The Venue for Workshops & Conference has been updated.

Author Information


Author's Final Paper Formatting and Submission Instructions Webpage (Online Author Kit) for 2013 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2013):

Notice the paper has to be in the correct format AND the registration paid in order to have your paper included in the Proceedings.

If you have any questions, first please go to the FAQs section

Authors are invited to submit regular full papers no more than eight (8) pages (including any data, figures and references) in standard IEEE double-column format. All papers submitted to IE'13 must be unpublished previously and should not be undergoing consideration for publication elsewhere during IE'13 review period.

As well as contributions to the Doctoral Colloquium, Posters Session or Demos & Videos Session. The length limit for papers submitted to these tracks is 4 pages.  Papers accepted in any of these tracks will also be included in the Conference Proceedings. The deadline for submitting to these tracks is the same than for main conference paper submission.

All papers accepted in the main conference will be electronically available through IEEE Explore. All papers accepted in the Workshops program will be published as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series (ISI indexed) of IOS-Press and electronically available through ACM Digital Library.

The IEEE themplate can be downloaded from here.

A selection of papers will be invited to submit extended versions to Intelligent Buildings International, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, ICST Transactions on Future Intelligent Educational Environments.


The Submission System is open


Special Online Presentations

This year, we are again hoping to offer an online presentation facility following the successful trial of this at the IE10 conference. Online sessions will take place via Skype connections and are for authors who would like to present a paper to IE2013, but have significant reasons why they are unable to attend in person. The performance of the system cannot be guaranteed and, as such authors will be required to submit a video version of their presentation (and a Powerpoint/PDF), which would be used if the connections fail. Authors wishing to have their papers considered for online delivery should tick the relevant option when using the IE13 online submission system, and submit a note making a case for such a presentation to be considered. Papers for this session will go through the same rigorous referring process and will be published in the main conference proceedings.  However, only a limited number of such papers will be allowed to be presented in this mode, and acceptance will be made on the strength of the supporting case in association with the reviewer's assessment. Thus, you are encouraged to present in person, at the conference, wherever possible.

When you submit your paper to be considered for the online presentation you will need to attach to it (in the same submission login) a cover letter clearly stating (a) your submission is for online presentation, and (b) the reasons why you need/prefer to be online. If the paper is accepted then in the final submission you will also have to upload a video and Powerpoint/PDF of the presentation for the reasons explained above.