Demos and Videos

Call For Demo and Video

The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments IE'12

26-29 June 2012

New dates: Workshops 26 June, Conference 27-28 June

Guanajuato Mexico

Intelligent Environments (IE) refer to physical spaces in which IT and other pervasive computing technology are woven and used to achieve specific goals for the user, the environment or both. IE enriches user experience, better manages the environment's resources, and increases user awareness of that environment.

The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE’12) will be held at the beautiful and historic World Heritage UNESCO city of Guanajuato (México) famous for its subterranean streets, ancient churches, the Callejón del Beso (Alley of the Kiss), and owing its fame and fortune to rich veins of silver and gold discovered in the 18th century.

The demo and video track provide a unique opportunity to showcase research prototypes, novel ideas and/or future vision of Intelligent Environment that are difficult to convey in a paper-only format. Demos allow conference participants to view and try out novel and noteworthy systems and components of Intelligent Environments in action, and discuss the systems with those who created them. Appropriate demos include applications, technologies, and research prototypes. Demos should be interactive and provide attendees a hands-on experience. Accepted demos will be showcased during the conference. Submitted videos will be peer-reviewed for their technical content, communication effectiveness, production quality, interest, contribution to given goals and roadmaps, and relevance to IE'2012.

We explicitly encourage the submission of videos and demos that complement paper submissions to the full paper tracks and workshops held at IE'2012.Demo and video submissions to IE'12 provide a venue for presentations This includes (but is not limited to):


  • Demos and videos of innovative research prototypes
  • Demos and videos of innovative aspects of intelligent environments
  • Demos and videos explaining new ways of thinking about intelligent environments
  • Visions of future technologies in the context of intelligent environments

The best video and demo of the conference will be awarded.

Best Demo: Certificate and a recent book published in the AISE book series 
Best Video: Certificate and a recent book published in the AISE book series

Submission Guideline

The demo submission combines a live research demonstration at the conference with a short paper describing the contribution that will appear in the extended abstracts in the conference proceedings. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format, up to 4 pages in length and conform to the  IE1 2 publisher formatting guidelines

All papers of accepted demos will be included in the IEEE Conference Proceedings

The video submission combines a video file and a short paper describing the contribution that will appear in the extended abstracts in the conference proceedings. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format, up to 4 pages in length and conform to the  IE1 2 publisher formatting guidelines. All papers of accepted demos will be included in the IEEE Conference Proceedings The length of the video should be 8 min or less and should be in in mpeg (MPEG1/2) or AVI (MPEG-4) as PAL or NTSC. Authors must submit the URL of the video (not the video itself) during the submission of the video.

Important Dates

New dates: Workshops 26 June, Conference 27-28 June


  • Demo and Video Submission Deadline: 14th January. 2012. Extended deadline: Friday 10 February 2012.
  • Notification of acceptance: 14th March, 2012. Wednesday 30th March 2012.
  • Camera Ready : 16th April, 2012


This year we are offering a challenge to encourage advances in the realization of Intelligent Environments. There will be prizes within the demo/video track to reward important achievements. The most important prize will be awarded to demos with the best answer to the question: "How intelligent is your Intelligent Environment?"

See IE Challenge Announcement pdf for more details.

Contact  :

Demos & Video Chairs

Michael Schneider
AGT, Germany

demosandvideos at

Ahmad Lotfi
Nottingham Trent University

demosandvideos at

Fahim Kawsar
Bell Labs, Belgium

demosandvideos at

Efrén Mezura Montes
LANIA, México

demosandvideos at